Real Talk: A Nagging Mom is a Plus

Did you have a nagging mom? Are you a nagging mom? Well, according to a recent study at University of Essex in England, being a nagging mom is a good thing (who knew?) The study showed that nagging actually produces more successful adults and less teen pregnancy. Sounds like a great thing to me! What do you think?

There is a fine line between nagging and teaching young people behaviors and activities that result in good habits. Habits that set them up for success throughout a lifetime. If telling my children that they need to clean-up after themselves, brush their teeth, not to play outside in dress clothes, use manners consistently, and do their homework is nagging … then I am guilty and proud of it. How does a child become a productive member of society if no one shows them the things that help get them there?

I’d like to see the word “nag” taken out of our vocabulary. It’s such an unfair verb. I’d like to think of it as a “reminder” (sometimes one that needs repetition). And if adults allow natural consequences to occur when children don’t carry through on these reminders, kids learn pretty quick that our “reminders” are worth giving some consideration.

See what Christine, Cara, Jamie and I had to say on this subject. Then, weigh in with your opinion on this blog or on the social media in which you got connected to this Atlanta & Company segment. Atl & Co Real Talk on Nagging Moms

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